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Freedom of Faith, DAP Style: Islam is Always the Problem

DAP is not a multi-racial party, nor it is a party that fights for the people or the country. DAP is a Chinese party and it only fights for the Chinese and Christians. This is a fact that DAP is consistently denying but clearly practicing. DAP’s ultimate enemy is none other but anything or everything that spells ‘Islam’, such as UMNO, Malays or Muslims.

However, DAP has no problem with PAS, a party that bears the name ‘Islam’. It must be because PAS is only ‘Islamic’ by name, but in real life, PAS is more than happy in helping DAP to uphold Christianity. (Before you argue, please take note that PAS kicked Datuk Hassan Ali out for the sake of the apostates, remember?)

It is common in Malaysia that whenever Islam or Muslims are being attacked, DAP will either ignore the incident or take sides with the attacker. It is almost like Islam should have no rights in this majority Muslim country, in the eyes of DAP.

Who could have forgotten the case of a woman, alleged to be a Chinese citizen, forced to do ear squat naked, in a police lockup? DAP took the case very seriously and was determined to help the woman…until they found out that the woman was actually a Malay – Muslim. After that, there was no more talk about defending or helping the woman but only about how to explain the mistaken identity.

When Namewee decided to have fun by condemning and insulting Islam, Malaysia, and the Malay-led government to the lowest level, there was only praises by DAP. However, when an UMNO guy decided to retaliate and pointed out the historical facts of the Chinese being the descendents of the ‘pendatang’, DAP was quick to take it by heart and was ready to go to war with UMNO.

I’m sure we all remember too well that there was not a sound heard from DAP about ‘human rights’ or ‘justice’ or ‘freedom of faith’ in the case of a Muslim-convert singer being told by the chinese management officers to take off her ‘tudung’ if she wanted to perform in their company event.

The list of DAP’s anti-Islam practice could just go on and on.

In view of this, we cannot expect DAP to be fair in their opinions on the latest battle of child custody between a Muslim-convert father and a Hindu mother. On the 29 October 2009, the Syaria court had given the custody of the three children of M Indira Gandhi and Mohd Ridzuan to Mohd Ridzuan. The decision was then reversed by the High Court on March 11, 2010.

The conflicting decision leads the case to an appeal at the Federal Court.

The Prime Minister, when asked about the matter had suggested the same but there is really
no use in using the Law or factual arguments with Islam-haters. ‘Justice’ for these haters is when Islam lose and others win. As expected, the pro-opposition media are already pointing fingers everywhere, including at the Prime Minister for suggesting that the case be taken to the Federal Court.

DAP is of course, the most vocal in expressing opinions over the issue. Ever since the case made headlines, Lim Kit Siang has been talking about Islam in almost every post in his blog. It is not hard to see what Kit Siang is trying to point out. Kit Siang is in a way saying that ‘Islam’ is the problem here, by saying that the Muslims are the real problem.

The problem will only be solved should there be no Syaria Court, no Syaria Law and no clause in the constitution that says that Islam is the official religion of Malaysia. Better yet if there are no Muslims at all in Malaysia.

And this is what Kit Siang and DAP is fighting for; then, now and forever; and we better not forget that.

Freedom of Faith, DAP Style: Islam is Always the Problem Freedom of Faith, DAP Style: Islam is Always the Problem Reviewed by Admin on June 18, 2014 Rating: 5

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