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#MH370: 10 questions for Anwar

10 questions for Anwar:
1.     In your interview with a foreign newspaper, the UK’s Daily Telegraph, you implied that Malaysian officials were complicit in a terrorist act. Will you apologise for slandering your country at a time of national crisis?    
2.     First you said you didn’t know the pilot personally. Then you said you met him on a number of occasions and know him. How can we believe anything you say?
3.     You said the whole world is critical of Malaysia. But China, Singapore, Australia and the US have praised Malaysia’s efforts to find the plane. Are those countries wrong?
4.     You said we should have stopped searching in the South China Sea, even though it hadn’t been ruled out. But the FAA and the NTSB said the Malaysian authorities did the right thing. Are you claiming you’re more qualified than global aviation safety experts?
5.     At a time of crisis, you gave lots of interviews telling the world how bad Malaysia is, and how much everyone wanted to talk to you. Is that statesmanlike behaviour?
6.     You told The Daily Telegraph that the Malaysian military “didn’t have the sophistication of the US”. But none of the planes on September 11th were intercepted. Why the double standard? Aren’t you grasping at straws to make Malaysia look bad?
7.     Whose side are you on – your own country’s, or Malaysia’s foreign critics?
8.     Lim Lip Eng said PKR would find the plane if they were in charge. Do you agree?
9.     Isn’t it true that you have shameless exploited this national tragedy for naked personal political gain?
10.  You said you would resign after GE13. Now that you have shown your true colours during the MH370 tragedy, shouldn’t you finally step aside from Malaysian public life now?

#MH370: 10 questions for Anwar #MH370: 10 questions for Anwar Reviewed by Admin on April 16, 2014 Rating: 5

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