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Passenger Taken Away By Police After Starting E-Cigarette On A Flight

A Tiger Airways passenger was taken away by federal police after he started an e-cigarette on a flight to Melbourne last week, setting off smoke alarms on board.

The airline has confirmed a passenger was intercepted by the Australian Federal Police upon landing at Melbourne Aiport at 6pm on Friday for breaching its “zero tolerance” nonsmoking policy.

A Tiger spokeswoman said vapours from an electronic cigarette set off smoke alarms on the 2.40pm flight TT 565 from the Gold Coast.

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“Although permitted for carriage, the use on of e-cigarettes on board the aircraft, including recharging, is strictly prohibited,” the airline said.

“The airline can confirm that a breach of this policy did occur on a Gold Coast to Melbourne service last Friday afternoon.

“The matter was appropriately handled as per standard procedure for an incident of this nature.

“The AFP met the passenger on arrival at Melbourne Airport for further questioning.”

The airline said it was standard for any breach of its nonsmoking policy to be referred to the AFP.

It could not elaborate further on the incident as “the matter was now with the AFP”.

An AFP spokeswoman said members met a passenger at Melbourne’s domestic terminal after the flight touched down and questioned him about the use of an e-cigarette on board.

“As this investigation is currently ongoing, it would be inappropriate for the AFP to comment further,” she said.

E-cigarettes, like cigarettes, are allowed to be carried on to Tiger Airways flights, but are strictly prohibited for use on board as the vapour they emit can offend other passengers and set off smoke alarms.

They also contain lithium ion batteries, which can be dangerous. - Herald Sun
Passenger Taken Away By Police After Starting E-Cigarette On A Flight Passenger Taken Away By Police After Starting E-Cigarette On A Flight Reviewed by Salfian Nawawi on October 07, 2014 Rating: 5

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