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Haze: Samarahan Records Unhealthy API

KUCHING: The air quality in Sarawak, which has polluted by the haze for the past few weeks, is showing signs of recovery for the southern part of the state.

As of 8am, the Department of Environment reported that only one division in the state with unhealthy air pollutant concentration.

The Air Pollutant Index (API) reading for Samarahan was still within the unhealthy benchmark of 104. Air quality in Kuching, which yesterday clocked unhealthy API readings, has improved to a moderate level of 94.

Apart from Kuching, eight other automatic air stations statewide also recorded moderate air quality readings.-NST

Haze: Samarahan Records Unhealthy API Haze: Samarahan Records Unhealthy API Reviewed by Unknown on September 29, 2015 Rating: 5

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