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SDNU sets up Krian branch to cater to rural Dayaks

SARATOK: Sarawak Dayak National Union (SDNU) Krian branch was formed recently to complement existing branches in Saratok and Roban to cater to rural Dayaks, particularly in Krian area.

According to SDNU Krian chairman Banyi Beriak, the branch has set up various sub-committtees namely Economic, Social and Cultural, Education, Legal and Fund Raising.

Banyi is assisted by his deputy Frederick Sebungkok Jamit, secretary Entinggie Tamin and treasurer Albert Renggian. The branch leadership includes assistant secretary Vincent Osaka Solomon and assistant treasurer Sudok Mesa as well as ordinary committee members Tuai Rumnah (TR) Josephine Entira, TR Serudin Ason, TR Julius Enggan, TR Majid and Lucy Kayan. Banyi said the branch has also been duly registered as an association to serve 1,300 members.

“At the moment we have recruited 1,300 members for submission to SDNU headquarters. At our recent meeting, various activities were suggested and the schedule for these activities will be discussed at the next meeting in January next year,” he said.

Banyi said the Saturday meeting in Saratok was attended by 60 members who were treated to a buffet dinner afterwards.

“Another highlight of the evening was a talk on the amendment to the Land Code on NCR presented by lawyer Henry Joseph Usau,” he added.

The SDNU main body will be holding its triennial general meeting (TGM) in the next few months to elect new supreme council members for the next term of three years.- The Borneo Post
SDNU sets up Krian branch to cater to rural Dayaks SDNU sets up Krian branch to cater to rural Dayaks Reviewed by Admin on October 09, 2018 Rating: 5

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