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Itemise the ‘hot air’ and ‘crony’ projects, don’t generalise – Idris

KUCHING: Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) information chief Dato Idris Buang has requested Pakatan Harapan (PH) Sarawak chairman Chong Chieng Jen to itemise the projects which he has previously claimed to be ‘hot air’ or ‘crony’ projects.

Idris’ response is in relation to recent allegations made by Chong that the large number cancelled rural projects throughout the state were cancelled due to them being ‘hot air’ or ‘crony’ projects.

To give context to the situation, during a press conference here on Sunday, Chong who is also the Stampin MP and Kota Sentosa assemblyman, explained that the recent news of a large number of cancelled rural projects in Sarawak were based on two definitive categories.

The first category he said are projects that is merely talk or ‘hot air’ by former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak during his visit around the country prior to the last general election (GE14).

He said Najib had made the project promises but there were no budgetary allocations approved in Parliament for them yet.

The second category for the cancelled or terminated projects, according to the MOF he said are projects that is awarded to contractors without any open tender.

In other words, these are also known as ‘crony’ projects that will only benefit the cronies at the expense of the people due to the highly inflated price, said Chong who is also Deputy Minister for Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs.

According to Idris, unless these alleged ‘hot air’ and ‘crony’ projects that Chong claims exists are itemised, it would be unfair for all the other cancelled rural projects if Chong were to just generalise.

“In the interest of the people of Sarawak, I urge Chong to be fair and professional in detailing out the reasons as to why a large number of rural projects in Sarawak were stopped by the PH government.”

“What he has done thus far, has been just making a political statement by making generalisations.

“To me, he is actually being unfair to the stakeholders and beneficiaries of these projects because he ought to be mindful that these projects had been scrutinised at various levels through a proper system by the relevant agencies before being approved or announced by the ministers or politicians from the previous government,” said Idris who is also Muara Tuang assemblyman.

Idris then called Chong and his party (DAP) to respect the system and the agencies that were responsible for all projects which has been duly approved.

“What he did was nothing but a political statement with a political purpose,” said Idris. - THE BORNEO POST

Itemise the ‘hot air’ and ‘crony’ projects, don’t generalise – Idris Itemise the ‘hot air’ and ‘crony’ projects, don’t generalise – Idris Reviewed by Admin on October 23, 2018 Rating: 5

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